Why You Need to Invest in Hybrid Events

Virtual and Hybrid events are here to stay. And recent statistics give countless reasons for why hybrid and virtual events have become so popular. For example:

  • 81% of attendees participate in hybrid events for the ability to access content on-demand after the event.
  • 87% of marketers say hybrid events reach a wider audience.
  • 34% increase in attendance has been reported when events offer a hybrid option compared to in-person only.

Other benefits of going hybrid or virtual are:

  • Detailed analytics
  • More flexibility
  • More eco-friendly
  • Reduced travel costs
  • Reusable content via a central database
  • Higher engagement
  • Higher return on investment

It’s no reason that 88% of US companies are investing in technology to improve hybrid events’ engagement capabilities.

You Need to Put in the Work

Does that mean that going hybrid or virtual will automatically give you an improved experience? NOT NECESSARILY

See if any of these issues sound familiar:

  • Trouble starting on time
  • Issues joining the meeting
  • Unable to share content
  • Difficulty keeping everyone engaged
  • Failure to make a lasting impact

While these issues are common they aren’t unavoidable. What is their main cause? Failure to invest in the resources and training needed to get the most out of virtual and hybrid events

Why You Need To Invest in Going Virtual

Many thought that virtual and hybrid events, conferences, and meetings were just a temporary solution to social distancing caused by COVID-19. This short-term view meant they failed to invest the effort needed to mitigate the challenges of meeting virtually. 

The statistics and benefits quoted at the beginning show that virtual and hybrid events will not only remain a permanent part of our lives but will actually become more common. 

THIS is the reason you should want to learn how to mitigate these technological difficulties. We wisely invest time and energy into something when it permanently impacts our lives.

Imagine you stayed in a hotel that was decent but needed a little maintenance. The fixtures were outdated, the bed was a little stiff, and half the plugs didn’t work. 

  • Would you consider remodeling or updating any of these items during your stay? Not likely. The thought of remodeling something that temporary is ridiculous. You’ll probably just put up with any inconveniences.
  • Let’s say though that this SAME room was actually the main bedroom of your new apartment. How hard would you work on fixing up the place? You would almost CERTAINLY put a little effort into making it comfortable.
    • The amount of training, investment, and effort you put into something is directly linked to how permanent you feel that thing will be. 

The point: This example shows why you should improve the quality of your hybrid and virtual events – because virtual and hybrid events, meetings, and conferences will remain a permanent part of the workplace. They are like the bedroom of that new apartment you’ve moved into. 

This understanding should motivate you to work on solving any difficulties that going virtual or hybrid may cause your team. 

‘How can I resolve any difficulties that virtual and hybrid meetings or events are causing me?’ you may ask. 

In this post, we’ll share our process for managing the 3 most common technological difficulties that come with hybrid and virtual events, meetings, or conferences. 

How to Invest in Your Virtual Event

1. Choose the Right Platform

People often go with the platform that they see other people using. This can be one of the biggest mistakes you can make when choosing a platform.

Why? Consider 2 reasons:

  1. Likely others chose that platform because they also saw other people using that platform, not necessarily because they did the research and made an informed choice.

We’ve all seen examples of how just doing what’s popular isn’t always a good choice.

  1. Even if someone else researched the different platforms available and made an informed decision, what’s best for them isn’t necessarily what’s best for you.

Just as no two companies have the same needs, no single platform can fill every need. 

What you need to do: Understand what is most important to your company. 

Do you need…

Likely, you will want some combination of the things listed above. Do so research to decide which features on which platform will satisfy your needs the best.

Remember, though, that most platform’s websites will likely not admit their shortcomings. So consider reaching out to an expert who will give you an unbiased opinion. 

2. Eliminate Distractions

You can keep your audience’s attention by eliminating anything that steals their focus.

Minimize Technical Difficulties

Few things are more frustrating than unexpected technical issues right in the middle of an important meeting or event. 

Such technical problems can cause your team to miss important information and get distracted. Not only will participants be wishing they had called in sick but you could also lose potential clients or investors. 

Technical difficulties result when you don’t properly anticipate and prepare for potential problems.

What you need to do:

  • Understand your goals. Have your purpose clearly in mind. Then you can choose the equipment and software that will align with your goals.
  • Choose Your Equipment: Start by analyzing your network capabilities and by surveying the physical site of your event. Your equipment will be based on this setup.
  • Get ready: Before your event starts make sure everything is set up. This includes all hardware, devices, software, and other supplies. Double-check for quality control.
  • Perform a walkthrough: Do a rehearsal of your presentation, camera angles, transitions, and a final equipment check. Ideally, this should be both the day before and the day of your live event. 
  • Stay ready: Unexpected technical difficulties can happen at any time. So keep your team alert to anything that can interfere with your program come game day while the program is live. 
  • Analyze: Sit down with your team post-event and break down what went well as well as what you would like to do better next time.

3. Promote Engagement

Putting the right technology in place to curb distractions is only half the battle in keeping your audience focused. You need to actively fight for their attention. 

Promoting engagement is absolutely crucial to making a success of your virtual or hybrid event. According to a recent survey, keeping the audience engaged is the single most challenging aspect of virtual events.

You need to invest in your event by working hard on promoting your event beforehand, keeping them engaged during the event, and encouraging people to think about your event after it’s over. 

What you need to do: 

  • Before: Why is it essential to build anticipation before your event? No one is going to show up if they think your event will be a waste of their time or has nothing valuable to offer them. 

Don’t just tell your participants when and where your event will be. Generate intrigue by telling them why they should attend and how it will benefit them. 

  • During: Like white noise, dull presentations and low interactions will lull your participants to sleep. 

Don’t talk to your participants. Talk with them. Live polls, Q&As, icebreakers, gamification, and breakout sessions, are all ways to create lively discussions. 

  • After: You’ve put a lot of work into your presentation, so now make a lasting impact by driving your participants to actions post-event

Remind your attendees of the most important part of your event by sharing an event recap. Encourage them to talk about the event by giving you feedback and sharing their experience with others.

We Know What It Takes

We’ve mentioned 3 essential ways you need to invest in your virtual or hybrid event if you want to make it a success. 

An investment is putting a little in now to gain more later. True, investing in your virtual or hybrid event requires putting a little time, effort, and money into it. But the payout will be worth it when you see…

  • Your clients more engaged
  • Your team more excited
  • Your business more successful 

For nearly 20 years, our team has been coaching organizations to get the most return from their assets. Can we help you as well? Shoot us a message and we’ll happily walk you through our process.